Saturday, November 08, 2008

Butter, Milk, Eggs

My mother loves all things, QVC, Home Shopping Network, ABC Distributing, and of course Avon and infomercials. We have never been without our random cat houses, night lights that blow fresh scents into the air, lights on a keychain, and pink tool sets. So yesterday, when my mother modeled her newest infomercial purchase, I was not at all surprised or disappointed.

Meet the Over the Shoulder Expandable Organizer from Buxton. Oh, yes. My mom is so proud. Therefore, so am I.

And the ultimate moment in the As Seen On TV spot is when they informatively point out and demonstrate...wait for it...."You'll be so organized, you can find what you need with a BLINDFOLD." Oh yes, the key to life.

I am seriously thinking of experimenting with this by blindfolding my mother and seeing if she can find her common sense.

p.s. Don't you dare forget the FREE digital message reminder. "Butter, Milk, Eggs"

Keep on Keepin on.

1 comment:

JennavieveM said...

I swear to all that is holy, your mom is the coolest lady alive.

God Bless her and her Agnella-ness!