I know I have not written in a couple of weeks and I hate to return to the writing board with a nasty little vent. BUT I am so bothered by a person's audacity that I have to share the rant with the world.
Here is some background first. There is this girl (don't most venting rages start this way?)...anyway, there is this girl that works for my "Person." The poor girl is the only girl that works with 5 guys. I know you got to give her some credit. BUT, she is whiny, needy, emotional, immature, and selfish. I know...why am I judging? Oh, not judging, it is the truth. I have defended her and sympathized with the young "woe is me" girl but there is a point when you have to buck up and grow up a little.
So, today is her birthday. Her sad story is that she hasn't celebrated her birthday in the STATES in a while. I know....poor poor her. Her last few birthdays have been in a different country. boo freaking hoo. So, she wants to make sure she has a good birthday in the states. OK. Fine. I understand wanting to have a good birthday period.
Last night, a group of us went to eat for her birthday. It was all the guys from her work and their woman friends. Keep in mind that this girl is the youngest and she is 3-5 years younger than the rest of us. All of us are having a good time, eating, telling jokes, and she even got a birthday cookie and the waitress to sing to her. Fun right?
In addition to last night, I offered that we and some other girls go out Friday night for her birthday and do some bar hopping or something with just the girls. I am very willing to try and make someone have a fun birthday.
SOOOOOOOOO, this morning I get a phone call from an unknown number...and if I do not recognize the number, I do not answer. The caller left me a voicemail. The message was from the birthday girl's friend, whom I never gave my phone number to....the birthday girl gave it to her. The friend proceeds to inform me that the birthday girl was upset and mad that she did not got a gift from anyone the night before. So, on Friday, the birthday girl wants a real birthday party with a cake. Not just any cake, but a white cake with confetti. She also has a list of places she wants to go on Friday night that she thinks will be fun.
I can't believe it! Who does that? I would never for a second be mad or upset that all the people that showed up for my birthday dinner didn't get me a gift. We are not turning 10 years old here, we're turning 23, little missy! I would never tell the people that offered to take me out for my birthday that my first birthday celebration sucked because no one got me a gift and that I want a certain kind of birthday cake for my second celebration.
I am a firm believer that if you don't expect it or demand it, people will be more likely to bend over backwards to make sure that your "day", whatever it may be, will be joyful. I have always joked that I have a birthday week, but if someone was unable to come out to celebrate due to prior obligations or money matters, I would never hold that against them. I would never notice if my friends showed up without gifts, their presence is more than enough for me. I have never been one to expect anyone else to ensure my happiness; I am the only who controls my own happiness. Most years, if asked what I want for my birthday, I have no idea when it comes to material things...I can normally get "things" for myself. I only ask for peoples' presence...and if you can't come, I'll probably see you on your birthday or next year at mine if you can make it.
So, normally I would give in and still be nice. I would go get the cake and show up with a smile. I am thinking not this time. She is not a "good" friend of mine and I frankly do not have the extra money to make her 23rd birthday (the first in the states for awhile) the big bash she is demanding. I am tired of defending her and sticking up for her immaturity. I would much rather go home after work, put on my PJ's, and watch a rental movie...and I think that is exactly what I am going to do.
Any thoughts?